Warning: SPOILERS!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Jessica Stanely

Name: Jessica Stanly
Nickname: Jess
Species: Human
Friends: Bella, Mike, Eric, Angela, The Cullens
Relationships: Mike
History: She is one of Bella's classmates. When Bella first came to Forks and was curious about the Cullens Jessicaa told her. She is more interested in Bella's popularity then her personality. She is sometimes Jealous of Bella because of Mike's affection. She became friends with Bella to use her to get to the boys and to start conversations with Mike who's curiousity about Bella got him to talk.


  1. Acadia not signed inJuly 6, 2010 at 4:10 PM

    My old teacher is her Uncle. I met her!

  2. Acadia not signed inJuly 7, 2010 at 2:50 PM

    Ya she is wicked nice. I have her email address!

  3. That's really cool! :P She's one of my favourite Characters on Twilight.

  4. Acadia not signed inJuly 7, 2010 at 6:58 PM

    Mine to do you want her email. After I give it to you you have to delete my comment ok. I emailed her and she said it was alright as long as it is just you.

  5. I was talking to what ever her name is on here she told me if I went here not to say her real name. I told you my email because she thought I should instead of her and thank you Alado for putting me on your blog. Most people don't. They just have people like Rob and stuff.

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  7. Just wondering what necklace are you wearing now I've tried to search it but couldn't find it! Tour amazing keep going :) thankyou
